Title Re-establishment Surveys

What is a Title
Re-establishment Survey?

A title re-establishment survey or a boundary survey is a professional service provided by licensed surveyors to accurately redefine or re-establish and mark on the ground the legal boundaries of a property.

The legally defined boundaries may, and generally do, differ to the physical position of a property’s perimeter fencing.

Trust Humphries Land Surveying for reliable title boundary re-establishment surveys.

Do I need a
Re-establishment Survey?

Title boundary surveys are required to accurately define property boundary lines for many reasons, including:

  • Constructing a new boundary fence

  • Building on or near a boundary

  • Prior to subdividing land

  • resolving boundary disputes

  • Avoiding encroachment onto neighbouring land

  • Maintaining accurate property records

  • Supporting planning applications

Ensure your property is Protected, confirm a Licensed Land Surveyor is undertaking Your Survey.

Australian Law requires that only a Licensed Land Surveyor can conduct a Title Re-establishment Survey in Australia

On Average it takes 8 years of post university study to become a Licensed Surveyor in Victoria. This is to ensure our State’s most valuable asset, the property market is protected and to provide a solid bedrock for future development.

In Victoria the Statutory Legislation Governing Licensed Surveyors is the Surveying Act 2004